The easiest way convert WordPress posts to Jekyll Markdown files

The so called static blog is getting increasingly popular on the internet. Probably people just need a place to blog, not necessarily a powerful WordPress platform which needs PHP, MYSQL database.

If you want to switch from WordPress to static blog site such as Jekyll, Octopress, a big problem would be how to convert your WordPress blog posts into MarkDown files that is the format required by most static blog engines.

Lots of tutorials tell bloggers that converting WordPress posts into Jekyll Markdown posts by GitHub command. This kind of coding style is actually complicated for average bloggers who never used git tool.

Here I share an easy method to do it, probably the easiest way ever to convert your WordPress posts to Jekyll Markdown files, no software, no git command, no pain, just install a plugin named “WordPress to Jekyll Exporter” (download link), then click the button “Export to Jekyll” under “Tools” menu of “WordPress administration panel”. The plugin will export all WordPress posts, pages, and options as YAML files parsable by Jekyll.

For guys who do not like Jekyll, the new and powerful static blog platform can also host your exported MarkDown blog posts. It is super easy to use and quite powerful. This link is an example of my blog hosted on Farbox using Jekyll files exported by the way I introduced in this blog post.

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